Alex Salmond has announced that he will bring his bill for a Scottish referendum before the Parliament by the summer. He wants it to be a two question referendum with one part dealing with whether we should have devolution max (all powers but that of defence and foreign policy), and the other concerned with independence proper. Personally I really don’t see the point of devolution max; if we have all those powers we may as well go for the whole deal.
Obviously I support the introduction of a referendum bill in principle, but I fear the SNP has moved to fast. I doubt that if there were a vote on independence tomorrow we would win it, and if we lose it will silence our argument for a generation; we will be accused of keeping alive a policy the Scottish people do not believe will work. I can understand why some party members are desperate to use this great chance given to us in 2007, but I hope the Opposition sink the bill. Independence is coming, but let us not give ammunition to our enemies by calling the vote before the Scottish nation is ready.
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