Friday 12 February 2010

Temper Tantrums at No. 10.

Lance Price has just produced a new book called Where Power Lies: Prime Minister V the Media. Needless to say Gordon Brown got a bad write up. This is an example of another former party member (Price is former director of communications between 2000 and 2001 and deputy to Alastair Campbell between 2003 and 2007) coming out of obscurity to take a swing at PM Brown. The question we have to ask ourselves is this; if Labour Party members don’t trust Gordon to run an election (three rebellions is just careless) then why should we non-Labour voters think he is capable of running a country?

In the parts of the book that I have read Price talks to former and present cabinet ministers and airs his own views on the Premiership. One interviewee states ‘He [PM Brown] is psychologically and emotionally incapable of leadership of any kind’, and it is claimed that when things go wrong ‘...he can react with extraordinary flashes of anger. Stories of mobile phones hurled across the room in fury regularly appear in the press, although it rarely gets to that stage. Shouting at staff, jabbing an angry finger, throwing down papers, even kicking furniture is far more common.’ Yikes! If I had known this when we elected him PM I might never have voted for Labour knowing that they had this kind of man as their leader...oh no wait we never got the chance of voting for Brown, did we?

However, it wasn’t all bad for Brown. One Cabinet member (not named for obvious reasons) told the Independent said that although Price was telling the truth, he had out-of-date information. ‘The mood is much better now; everyone is rowing in the same boat and in the same direction’ said Mystery Minister. While I don’t doubt the sincerity of MM’s comment, it dose highlight the fatal flaw that makes Brown a good Chancellor, but a bad PM: he is competent when everything is going well, but when disaster strikes he can’t cope. In the Chancellery everything was much more controlled, and if everything went down the toilet he could always ask Tony for help, but as PM he does not have that luxury. This has lead to the weird scenario in which the PM now cow-cows to the Prince Of Darkness (Mandy). He has sold his soul to El Diablo of Foy because he couldn’t cope with defeat and disaster, and in so doing ripped the claws out of the Premiership and neutered the democratic process by ignoring the peoples’ demand for an election in 2007 and a referendum on Europe. We need to get rid of this power-mad, self-deluded PM before he has another tantrum.

Of course the scary thing is that he will probably be replaced with Crazy-Bike Cameron. What a choice for those poor English people. I thank heavens that I have an alternative in the form of the SNP. They may not be perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

Now I leave you with the only image scarier than a Tory victory; Gordon Brown smiling.

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